Nicole Marr
Nicole Marr

Back Squat 340

Clean 200

Grace 2:18

Isabel 2:08

Fran 2:59


CrossFit Level 2 Certification

CrossFit Level 1 Certification

Certified Healthy Steps Nutrition Coach

CrossFit Preferred Gymnastics Certification

Owner, Head Coach

Nicole Marr

I grew up in a ranching and outfitting environment that instilled in me a love for the mountains, outdoors, and being in nature and defined my understanding that hard work and being uncomfortable can be worth the momentary pain for long-term gains. I am a mother to two sons and one daughter. Raising them has continually challenged me to become a better human. I came to CrossFit in my early 30s and haven't looked back since my first class. CrossFit has challenged, humbled, and strengthened me not only physically but mentally as well. My confidence as a woman has grown exponentially as I realized that I am capable of much more than I ever had thought possible. I have a passion for health and wellness and for sharing with others what I have learned in my own journey. We get one life and one body; it is our gift to care for it.

Throughout most of my younger years, I would refer to myself as quiet or shy, when in reality I was just unsure of my place in the world and who I was allowed to be. Becoming stronger and challenging myself in CrossFit workouts allowed me to gain confidence in myself. When I was able to do something hard within the gym that I never thought I was capable of, I found myself more confident and willing to face challenges outside of the gym walls. Having a strong and capable body and mind has created gratefulness within me, that has grown into a passion for holistic, whole-life health and wellness.

I am passionate about meeting each human exactly where they are at and helping them to realize their true potential. I have felt weak, I have felt helpless, I have felt at the mercy of life. I have also discovered what freedom the other side of those feelings brings. I am here to empower others to take control of their own health and not only live but thrive.